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Trump rips into RFK Jr. for naming Nicole Shanahan as his running mate

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently announced Silicon Valley attorney and investor Nicole Shanahan as his running mate for his independent presidential campaign. Kennedy’s strategic move was intended to strengthen his candidature, but it received immediate criticism and attention from former President Donald Trump.
At a rally in Oakland, California, on Tuesday, Kennedy introduced Shanahan, stating that he wanted “someone who is battle-tested” and “able to withstand criticism and the controversy” that are thrown against any candidate who embarks on a presidential campaign.
In a recent statement on his social media site, Truth Social, Trump spoke about his belief that Kennedy Jr.’s independent presidential campaign could have a significant impact on the upcoming election.
Trump suggested that RFK Jr.’s candidature might take away votes from Joe Biden, whom he referred to as “Crooked Joe Biden,” ultimately benefiting America and being no competition to him.
Despite the scrutiny and attacks, Kennedy remains steadfast in his campaign. Earlier, he claimed that Trump approached him to be his running mate, suggesting that the GOP contender may view him as a legitimate threat.Kennedy’s choice of Shanahan as his running mate adds a new dimension to the presidential race, emphasising the significance of independent candidates in shaping the election outcome.
“RFK Jr is the most Radical Left Candidate in the race, by far,” Trump asserted. “He’s a big fan of the Green New Scam, and other economy killing disasters.” Trump continued by suggesting that RFK Jr.’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, is “even more ‘Liberal’ than him, if that’s possible”, implying that their campaign poses threat to Biden’s re-election bid.
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“It’s great for MAGA, but the Communists will make it very hard for him to get on the Ballot. Expect him, and her, to be indicted any day now, probably for Environmental Fraud! He is Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, not mine. I love that he is running!” Trump concluded.
Some social media users suggested that Trump’s attacks on RFK Jr were strategic, aimed at aligning him with the Left to lure away Biden’s supporters. “#Trump finally going after RFK Jr I see. Because RFK is gaining momentum, and Trump is scared a lot of his base might go with #RFK instead of Trump. Calling him the most far left guy in the race . I fully expect RFK JR, to come back at Trump now. #Trump # RFKJR,” one X user commented.
Also Read: Trump’s Truth Social share surge explained; are people investing in firm or him?
Meanwhile, Democratic criticism of Kennedy’s campaign emerged, with accusations of him being a “tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist” and running a “spoiler campaign” that could benefit Trump. Democrats voiced concerns about Kennedy’s potential to draw votes away from Biden, highlighting the complex dynamics at play in the upcoming election.
